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There’s a reason they call us. We take pride in the work we perform, we provide a wide range of services including national census, survey management, real time data collection, evidence based research, monitoring and evaluation and project management and more.

Key benefit with our service

Our Services

Microenterprise Incubation and Development

Vulnerable groups often face barriers to engaging in income-generating activities and accessing economic opportunities due to a lack of tools and capabilities. AIMED’s services are designed to support budding entrepreneurs by providing comprehensive business start-up services. This includes consultations, access to business facilities, and infrastructural support to reduce the costs associated with starting a business. Additionally, AIMED supports organizations, communities, and entrepreneurs in conducting value chain assessments and creating platforms for engagement among key stakeholders to improve market performance.

Key Services:

  • Selection, Planning, and Management (SPM) of IGAs Training: Customized training programs to enhance skills in planning and managing income-generating activities.
  • Financial Management for Micro Enterprises: Practical financial management training tailored to the needs of microenterprises, including resource materials and mentorship programs.
  • Business Idea Incubation Hubs: Establishment and management of incubation hubs providing mentorship, resources, and infrastructure to support innovative business ideas.
  • Technology Solutions for Microenterprise: Integration of appropriate technology solutions and training sessions to improve microenterprise operations.
  • Designing Microenterprise Projects: Collaborative design of impactful and sustainable microenterprise projects, incorporating human-centered design principles.
  • Curriculum Development and Training of Trainers: Development of training materials and certification programs for trainers to ensure high-quality, context-specific training.
  • Market Linkages: Facilitation of connections between microenterprises and larger markets through trade fairs, exhibitions, and networking events.
  • Managing Incubation Hubs: Oversight and continuous improvement of business incubation hubs to ensure effective support for incubated businesses.
  • Project Audits: Conduct thorough audits to ensure compliance with project goals and objectives, providing actionable insights for improvement.


Financial Inclusion

Millions of people in developing countries lack access to financial services, which constrains their ability to engage in viable economic activities. AIMED’s financial inclusion services aim to address extreme poverty and social exclusion by engaging with various stakeholders, including microfinance institutions, banks, and government departments, to create inclusive financial products and services.

Key Services:

  • Formation of Savings and Lending Groups: Facilitate the formation and development of savings and lending groups to improve financial accessibility.
  • Savings Groups Training of Trainers (ToTs): Select and train local trainers to ensure the sustainability of savings group initiatives, using participatory training methods.
  • Monitoring Group Performance: Continuous monitoring of savings group performance and utilization of group funds, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Linking Savings Groups with Formal Financial Systems: Create pathways for savings groups to integrate with formal financial systems, providing training and support for successful linkages.
  • Development of Governance Structures for Savings Groups: Assist in the establishment and strengthening of governance structures, providing continuous capacity building.
  • Development of Financial Inclusion Products: Work with financial institutions to design inclusive financial products and facilitate access to microloans and other financial services.
  • Carrying Out Evaluations of Financial Inclusion Projects: Conduct evaluations to assess the impact and effectiveness of financial inclusion projects, providing detailed reports and recommendations.
  • Project Audits and Learning Partnerships: Conduct project audits to ensure compliance and establish learning partnerships to promote best practices in financial inclusion

Assessments, Context Analysis, and Studies

AIMED provides technical services to conduct comprehensive sector assessments, including the design of frameworks, assessment tools, and the implementation of surveys. These assessments inform policies and programs, ensuring that interventions are relevant and impactful.

Key Services:

  • Economic Opportunity Assessments: Identify promising and viable economic sectors through detailed market research and community engagement.
  • Labor Market Assessments: Analyze labor market trends, identify skills gaps, and collaborate with educational institutions to align training programs with market demands.
  • Financial Services Access Assessments: Profile the state and pattern of access to formal and informal financial services, informing policy and program development.
  • Value Chain Assessments and Analysis: Conduct in-depth assessments to identify key opportunities and bottlenecks in value chains, providing strategic recommendations.
  • Market Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of commodity prices and availability along supply chains to inform decision-making.
  • Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Assessments: Conduct assessments to identify risks and develop strategies for disaster risk reduction.
  • Gender Rapid Assessments (GRA): Perform rapid assessments to understand gender dynamics and their impact on microenterprise development.
  • Social Inclusion Assessments: Assess the inclusion of marginalized groups in economic activities, providing recommendations for inclusive development.
  • Development of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Tools: Design user-friendly M&E tools, provide training on their use, and support data analysis to track project progress and outcomes.

AIMED is committed to mainstreaming gender, safeguarding, and social inclusion into microenterprise development programs. This ensures meaningful participation of women, youth, people living with HIV, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized groups.

Key Services:

  • Gender Analysis/Gender Mainstreaming/Gender Audits: Conduct comprehensive gender analyses and audits to promote gender equality and inclusivity.
  • Developing Safeguarding Policies: Develop and implement safeguarding policies to protect vulnerable groups.
  • Safeguarding Investigations: Conduct thorough investigations into safeguarding violations, providing support and recommendations for prevention.
  • Development of Safeguarding Policies and Procedures: Establish safeguarding procedures and provide training to ensure effective implementation.
  • Gender Trainings: Offer training programs to raise awareness and promote gender equality in microenterprise development.
  • Investigating Safeguarding Violations: Provide protocols for conducting investigations and support mechanisms for affected individuals.
  • Review Mainstreaming Policies: Continuously review and update mainstreaming policies, engaging stakeholders in the process.
  • Rapid Gender Audits/Assessments: Perform rapid assessments to quickly understand gender dynamics and inform interventions.
  • Gender Analysis: Carry out socio-economic analyses to uncover how gender relations affect microenterprise development and identify potential solutions.

Training, Capacity Building, and Skills Transfer

AIMED builds the capacities of clients to implement gender-sensitive community-based microfinance, rural finance, and enterprise development programs. This involves comprehensive training and support to ensure sustainable development.

Key Services:

  • Selection, Planning, and Management (SPM) of IGA Training: Develop customized training programs to enhance skills in planning and managing income-generating activities.
  • Financial Management for Micro Enterprises: Offer practical, case-study-based training in financial management, providing resource materials and mentorship.
  • Business Idea Incubation Hubs: Establish and manage incubation hubs to support the development of innovative business ideas, providing mentorship and resources.
  • Technology Solutions for Microenterprise: Integrate appropriate technology solutions into microenterprise operations, conducting training sessions and providing ongoing tech support.
  • Designing Microenterprise Projects: Collaborate with clients to design impactful and sustainable microenterprise projects, incorporating human-centered design principles.
  • Developing Training Materials: Create training materials that are culturally relevant and context-specific, engaging local experts in their development.
  • Developing M&E Tools for Micro Enterprise Projects: Design user-friendly M&E tools and train clients on their effective use, supporting data analysis to track project progress.
  • Market Linkages: Facilitate connections between microenterprises and larger markets, organizing trade fairs and networking events.
  • Secondment of Microenterprise Specialists: Provide specialist support through temporary secondments, ensuring knowledge transfer and impact evaluation.

Programme Management

AIMED offers consultancy services to design and manage microenterprise development programs, including savings groups, technical education, vocational training, value chain development, and incubation hubs. This involves comprehensive program management, from analysis and planning to implementation and reporting.

Key Services:

  • Managing Entire Programs: Manage entire microenterprise development programs on behalf of clients, ensuring alignment with donor requirements and strategic goals.
  • Managing Select Technical Components: Manage specific technical components within broader multi-sectoral programs, providing expertise and support.

Learning, Impact Measurement, and Evaluations

AIMED conducts baseline surveys, mid-term and end-term evaluations, and learning activities to measure the impact of various sectoral programs. This ensures that interventions are effective and sustainable.

Key Services:

  • Implementing a Complete Suite of Monitoring and Evaluation: Develop comprehensive M&E frameworks, train clients on data collection and analysis, and establish feedback mechanisms.
  • Third-Party Monitoring: Offer independent third-party monitoring services to ensure accountability and transparency, providing detailed reports and recommendations.
  • Project Output/Results Monitoring: Continuously track project outputs and results, utilizing participatory evaluation methods to gather feedback.
  • Project Audits: Conduct thorough audits to ensure compliance with project goals and objectives, providing actionable insights for improvement.

Contact us today at :

Phone: +263 77 304 8136

Email: [email protected]



The Africa Institute of Micro Enterprise Development (AIMED) is a professional enterprise development institution dedicated to empowering private, public, and social sector organizations to achieve meaningful impact. We partner with clients to drive transformation in ways that are most significant to them, embedding innovation, new thinking, cutting-edge technologies, and fresh ideas into their core processes and mindsets. Our mission is to build capabilities that enable individuals and organizations to thrive in an ever-changing landscape.



Contact us


Financial Inclusion
Program Management


Phone: +263 77 304 8136

Email: [email protected]