Financial Inclusion

Financial Inclusion
Millions of people in developing countries lack access to financial services, which constrains their ability to engage in viable economic activities. AIMED’s financial inclusion services aim to address extreme poverty and social exclusion by engaging with various stakeholders, including microfinance institutions, banks, and government departments, to create inclusive financial products and services.
Key Services:
- Formation of Savings and Lending Groups: Facilitate the formation and development of savings and lending groups to improve financial accessibility.
- Savings Groups Training of Trainers (ToTs): Select and train local trainers to ensure the sustainability of savings group initiatives, using participatory training methods.
- Monitoring Group Performance: Continuous monitoring of savings group performance and utilization of group funds, ensuring transparency and accountability.
- Linking Savings Groups with Formal Financial Systems: Create pathways for savings groups to integrate with formal financial systems, providing training and support for successful linkages.
- Development of Governance Structures for Savings Groups: Assist in the establishment and strengthening of governance structures, providing continuous capacity building.
- Development of Financial Inclusion Products: Work with financial institutions to design inclusive financial products and facilitate access to microloans and other financial services.
- Carrying Out Evaluations of Financial Inclusion Projects: Conduct evaluations to assess the impact and effectiveness of financial inclusion projects, providing detailed reports and recommendations.
- Project Audits and Learning Partnerships: Conduct project audits to ensure compliance and establish learning partnerships to promote best practices in financial inclusion