
OXFAM Southern Africa: Conducted partner and legislative mapping on Ending Child Marriage in Zimbabwe, analyzing national policies and providing recommendations for program design in Southern Africa. AIMED provided its very first consultancy work for OXFAM Southern Africa (SAF) Cluster. A team of Consultancy from AIMED successfully carried out a partner and legislative mapping and analysis on Ending Child Marriage in Zimbabwe. This involved mapping the different organizations and the activities promoted to curb child marriage in Zimbabwe. Additionally, the AIMED Consultancy Team (ACT) analysed the national policies and laws of Zimbabwe, ascertaining the links/relevance and effectiveness. The recommendations were key to inform OXFAM SAF Cluster Countries ( Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe) on how to design programs which can help to erase and or reduce Child Marriage in Zimbabwe in particular, and the region in general.

Reviewing and adapting the global Savings Group Project Model 2). Developing competency framework for Savings Groups programming implementation staff. Developing e-learning based Savings Groups curriculum.

Researcher on Reaching the hard to reach: Comparative Study of Member-Owned Financial Institutions in Remote Rural Areas. CASE STUDY: Village Savings and Loans Associations in Niger: Mata Masu Dubara Model of Remote Outreach, 2007

Programme review and Training of trainers on Savings Groups methodology. 2006

Reviewing the Zimbabwe Financial Services for Food Security Project, 2011

CARE Zimbabwe: Programme output and outcome analysis for Internal Savings and Lending group members, 2010. Facilitation of consultation on National Strategy for Savings Groups.

Independent consultant co-facilitating training for the Certificate in Community Based Micro Finance. 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2010.

In Zimbabwe, SNV provides market-based, sustainable solutions in Agriculture, Energy and Water, Sanitation & Hygiene. We pay particular attention to gender equity, opportunities for youth and climate change.